
I've received quite a bit of very flattering email as a result of putting this site on the Web. Let me go on record as stating that I'm merely the "engineer" behind the effort. My contribution is relatively small, as compared to others in the list below. These are the folks who have spent literally months or years in the research behind the web pages.

Thanks ever so much for the encouraging email, and I happily accept it in behalf of the people listed below whose efforts are very great.

Gene McManus
September, 1998


Many, many thanks to the folks on this list for their contributions to this site:

Notice: in order to help cut down on SPAM to those folks listed below, I've modified the email addresses to show " AT " instead of "@" in the email addresses. If you are using this page to contact any of these folks, you'll have to replace " AT " with "@", making sure you remove the spaces.

    Cannot connect to MySQL server. In file /usr/local/www/radomes/museum/acknowledge.php in line 47. Date: 2024-10-01 09:20:36