Findings of Fact, Site Location, and Information on Bowling Green Gap Filler Z-70G, based on information provided by US Army Corps of Engineers Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) document B07MO0184 of 1991

Ed. Note: ADC records first refer to a gap-filler annex (site # "P-70B") in this vicinity as "Edgewood" (a town just southeast of Bowling Green, MO). Later, ADC records refer to a gap-filler annex in this vicinity as "Bowling Green" (site # "Z-70G"). We now speculate that the originally-planned "Edgewood GFA" was dropped from consideration -- perhaps due to funding constraints -- but then reinstated a few years later with a new name, "Bowling Green GFA," and a new site designation, "Z-70G." The proximity of the two towns suggest these might have been one and the same gap-filler radar site, but, at the present, this is only speculation on our part.


App 2-1/2 miles SE of Bowling Green on US Highway 61, Section 32, TWNSHP 53N, R2W, Pike County, MO. The site is located just north of US 61, accessed by short gravel road.

Site Map

A vicinity map for the gap filler is provided in the FUDS report.

Findings of Fact

Bowling Green gap filler annex Z-70G was built in 1961 by the Air Force and declared excess in 1968. It was turned over to the GSA and transferred to the National Science Foundation, and eventually sold to private ownership. It was bought and used by Kolb Oil and Tire from 1975 to 1979, when it was sold to a junk dealer who removed the building in 1988/89. The property was sold and is now used as farmland.

Ed. note: based upon the USGS aerial image on the "TerraServer" website and on Mark Morgan`s recent photos, it appears that the building actually was not removed, only modified (making recognition difficult).