Recent photos of Calumet AFS, MI

looking east 

drone video:  


YouTube video contributed by mike AT


The following two photos come from 

Posted on 11 October 2011 by Thomas Tetzloff 
Displayed here for historical / non-commercial purposes only 
The former cantonment area, with the GATR Receiver site seen in the distance (looking north)
The former GATR Transmitter site (looking west) 

FPS-27 tower. Source:

Barracks area. Source:

Photo source:

Source:, contributed by Dick Konizeski

Copyright Skypixs Aerials, All Right Reserved -- Displayed Here for Historical (Non-Commercial) Purposes Only.

Copyright Skypixs Aerials, All Right Reserved -- Displayed Here for Historical (Non-Commercial) Purposes Only.

Copyright Skypixs Aerials, All Right Reserved -- Displayed Here for Historical (Non-Commercial) Purposes Only.

Photo source:

The view is looking south, and the time of day is mid morning. That`s the old AN/FPS-27 search radar tower in the center. The shadow of the AN/FPS-26 height-finder radar tower`s catwalk can be see at the far left (east) near the center.

2004 photos contributed by Scott Grams

May, 2004 photos contributed by Tom Scanlan

Tom reports that Youth Services Incorporated (YSI) Operation at Calumet AFS has closed.

From the main entrance

AN/FPS-27 Tower

FPS-27 Main Power Panel

Antenna support structure on FPS-27 tower top floor

Comm Center with AT&T dish

Base Housing

Base Housing

Base Housing as seen from the FPS-27 tower

Enlisted Dormitory

Hq & Admin Building, Dorms, GATR Site in distance

Michigan Bell Phone Switch Building

Power Plant

Inside the Power Plant building

Service Club

GATR Building and towers

GATR perimeter road and fence

GATR towers and building

CE Welding Shop

480 Volt/3-Phase power lines from Houghton

From the web site

Charlie Hopper, left, points out to Pete Haapala, Keweenaw Academy director of education, the antenna for wireless service that he and his son Jonathan, right, installed on the former radar tower on the Academy campus. The antenna, barely visible, is a small, curved structure just above Jonathan`s head in the photo.

Pete Haapala, center, Keweenaw Academy director of education, poses with Charlie, left, and Jonathan Hopper of PastyNET just after installation of the antenna that will bring wireless Internet service to the Academy. Haapala said the wireless service will facilitate participation in distance learning through the Copper Country Intermediate School District (CCISD).

This view of the Keweenaw Academy buildings on Mt. Horace Greeley, one of the highest points in Keweenaw County, shows Lac La Belle in the distance (far right). The Academy is located near Gratiot Lake.

from the Keweenaw Academy web site


View is looking north.

Some additional Keweenaw Academy information is at