Online article: http://www.courant.com/community/warren/hc-marteka-above-all-state-park-0212-20170210-story.html
Looking North
Looking North
Looking North
Looking South
December, 2006 photos contributed by Ed (Mr. Ed) Wilson
Interior of west room, looking north
Interior of west room, looking south
Interior of west room
Interior of west room
Interior of west room
Interior of west room
One of the three tower footers.
Diesel fuel tank supports
Inside the generator room
Generator room ventilator vanes
Inside the generator room
Generator room art (of course we knew this was true)
April 2001 photos and notes contributed by Tom Page from the "New" Tour, 2001
New Preston, CT, Gap-Filler Radar Annex (P-50A / Z-50A): The New Preston gap-filler radar annex (GFA) is located north of the town of New Preston atop �Above All� mountain (our �TerraServer� link is correct). This site is *not* within a state park as earlier reported, although it is near Lake Waramaug State Park. To get to the site from town, you go north on CT Rte 45. Just past the intersection with CT Rte 341, you turn left onto Sacketts Hill Road. After 0.7 mile, you turn left onto Above All Road. Exactly 1.0 mile up that road, the radar-site access road angles to the left (south-southeast). The access road has a locked bar (gate) across it, but the only sign says �No Hunting.� The walk to the top is maybe 0.2 mile on a one-lane hard-packed gravel road covered with short grass and moss.
The GFA building is completely extant and in excellent condition. Inside the generator room, someone spray-painted the wall with the words, �Radar is fun.� Much of the perimeter chain-link fencing is missing, as is the radar tower. The radar-tower footings (foundations) are completely extant, and are of a different style than those seen at other (e.g., Southern) GFA sites. That is, instead of square-shaped blocks, each footing is a long, flat rectangle of steel on concrete, with two rows of heavy-duty bolts (photos will be on the web site soon).
The radar-site access road angles off of Above All Road exactly 1.0 mile from where Above All Road turns off of Sacketts Hill Road. Sacketts Hill Road is a left turn from north-bound CT Rte 45 just north of its intersection with CT Rte 341.
Radar site access road at the point where it angles off from Above All Road (looking east).
The GFA radar-site access road (looking southeast).
The New Preston GFA radar-equipment building, still in excellent shape (looking southeast).
The GFA radar-tower footings. The radar-equipment building, out of the picture, is to the right. [Looking east-southeast.]
Close-up of one radar-tower footing.
The New Preston GFA radar-equipment building, south corner (generator wing) (looking north). Inside the generator room, someone had spray-painted, �Radar is fun.�
The radar-equipment building, southwest side; generator room to the right.
Believed to be the supports for the fuel tank.
Grafitti of unknown origin in the generator room.