Information for Antigo AFS, WI

Latitude: 45-02-55 N, Longitude: 089-14-05 W

Call Sign(s): Debate, Redman

Perm ID Sage ID JSS ID Unit Location Early
P-19 Z-19   676 Antigo AFS, WI FPS-3; FPS-4; FPS-20; FPS-6; FPS-6B; FPS-35 FPS-35; FPS-90 Jun-52 Jun-77 Located near Aniwa. BUIC-II operations reportedly commenced in 1966.
P-19A Z-19A     Norway, MI FPS-18   Oct-58 Jun-68 Gap-Filler Annex. FPS-18 ser# 53. Building and radar tower both have been removed.
P-19B Z-19B     Two Creeks, WI FPS-18   Aug-59 Jun-68 Gap-Filler Annex. Located on the Joseph Johanek farm. Also known as Two Rivers. Building is still extant. LRR site M-106 was converted to GF. FPS-18 ser# 109. Army Nike radar site CM-01R) was known as Tisch Mills (1959-1961), and closed when the USAF GF radar came on line.
P-19C Z-19C     Brooks, WI FPS-18   May-60 Jun-68 Gap-Filler Annex. FPS-18 serial # 132. Both building and radar tower are still extant.
P-19D       Arbor Vitae, WI **         ** Gap-Filler Annex. In early 1960s ADC plans, but never was built; possibly also known as Rhinelander, WI.
P-19N       Clintonville, WI **         ** Gap-Filler Annex. In original ADC plans, but never was built.

Current Use: Abandoned.

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